Accidental Werewolf 2: Something About Harry

Main Characters:

Mara – Keegan’s sister and lab worker at Pack Cosmetics.  She’s a genius who is desperate to be a mom.  She’s working on a serum to turn her into a were-momma without having a mate.  She’s got a huge crush on Harry, a human accountant who works at Pack.

Leah – a friend of Mara’s.

Astrid – another friend of Mara’s.

Harry – the accident in this book.  He calls OOPS after discovering he’s been turned into a werewolf.  He is also guardian of Mimi and Fletcher, his niece and nephew.  Total geek who thinks he’s super smart.  One of the few human’s who worked at Pack (at least until he was turned).

Guido – a really bad witch doctor.  (And from the back story we get from him, a bit of an accidental witch doctor too).

Carl – an accidental zombie thanks to Guido trying to save him but bumbling it.  Nina takes  to Carl quickly and he is like a big kid.

Marty, Nina, Wanda, Darnell and others from the previous books.

Locations:  NY, Pack Cosmetics

Main Premise:

Harry calls OOPS because he discovers that he has been turned into a werewolf.  Mara thinks she did it with her baby serum.  Mara had a crush on Harry for a long time and she’s super smart, but super lonely.  the ladies of OOPS come to the rescue.  After dealing with the typical denial and learning about Harry (his sister died and now he is guardian of her children who are acting out all the time), Harry in his attempt to reverse things goes to a witch doctor.  The witch doctor is a real quack.  Harry’s kids get kidnapped, then Carl gets kidnapped… all by some mysterious person saying they see Harry and Mara.  Mara, trying to avoid being put before the were-council and put in jail for what she did, at first tries to hid that Harry was turned by pretending that they were a couple.  But Keegan finds out, Mara turns herself in, and Harry eventually accepts his were-state.  He wants to protect Mara then as they have fallen for each other.  All in time to have the kids get kidnapped again, while Mara is going on trial.

We then find out that Leah did it.  She turned Harry because she is CRAZY.  She wanted Harry all for herself.  She even visited Guido and wanted a love potion – Guido is the one who manages to put it all together.  They rescue the kids and everyone lives happily ever after.  In the epilogue we see Mara and Harry get married.

Other important things to remember for later:

The council was considering Mara’s punishment even though we don’t know if her formula will work and Leah is the one who turned Harry.  Nina now has her very own zombie.  The cast of peripheral characters keeps growing.  With the next installment set to be “The Accidental Dragon” not sure what all needs to be remembered besides who each of the ladies of OOPS are and their personalities.


My return to the accidental series by Dakota Cassidy is anything but accidental.  Although I do think the original discovery of the series was an accident… The latest, The Accidental Werewolf 2: Something about Harry was as fun to read as each of the 7 books before it.

I will admit, there should be a warning however; Nina’s language is not for the feint of heart.  The swearing was at an all-time high.  But, it feels totally natural.  Having gotten used to her personality over the last few books, it totally suits her and doesn’t feel gratuitous.  Not that I mind the swearing, to me they are just words and I am never offended by the use of color, but I know some people are.

This, like all of the books in the series, are quick fun reads.  Predictable in a lot of ways, but fun just the same.  The plot moves pretty quickly and while the characters come together pretty quickly too, its nice that the proposal isn’t seen after just a few days and that the wedding is in the epilogue months later. There were moments where I chuckled out load reading this, and I love Nina!  She is the best vampire ever! The author gives loyal readers little nods with the small references to previous books which are small enough that you don’t really need to have read the books for most of them, but they are there for those of us who have read the rest to notice.

The group dynamic of the ladies of OOPS and now with Mara are great too.  Each of the ladies has a nice balance of self.  Not terrible meek or weak, assertive when needed, smart, etc.  They are the type of ladies I don’t mind reading about in these books.  Plus, it’s nice in this book, and in this series, that its not always human ladies falling in love with a supe.  It was also nice to not have the whiney “I am not worthy” stuff going on in the characters heads.  Instead, here, its more about the turning, how that happened, and the mystery laced in, that makes this series a nice change of pace from some of the others in this genre.

Overall, AW2 gets two paws up!

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